Help Ukraine

Even a small contribution makes a big difference

Our goal is to provide humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine.

People in war-torn areas of Ukraine lack the most basic necessities: clean water, essential medicines, food, and often a roof over their heads. Our team has direct contacts to the people and areas most affected by the war. That allows us to deliver aid quickly and without bureaucratic delays where it is needed the most.

We thank you for your support!

Help ukraine

Our recent activities

We raise funds to support Ukrainians affected by the war as well as refugees who have fled to other countries. Our current focus is on delivering medical and other humanitarian aid into Ukraine via our network of local contacts as well as assisting refugees who have fled to Germany.

Our hearts for your support
Your donation makes our work possible
Rehabilitation Equipment
March 2024
Toe warmer, bandages, emergency blankets and sweets 🙂
December 2023
More than 600 items painkiller and antibiotics
Oktober 2023
Small devices and Equipment for hospitals
June 2023
Diverse Medicine for hospitals
Mai 2023
500 Thermo-Lite-Boards for constraction of temporary medical facilities at the frontline.
April 2023
two generators delivered to Vinnitsia
March 2023
Benefit concert
in Munich
March 2023
Medications for hospitals in Ukraine
Antibiotics to hospitals in war-torn areas in Ukrane
Januar 2023
Humanitarian goods
Warm clothing, blankets, sleeping bags etc.
December 2022
Life saving medicine
Antibiotics to hospitals in war-torn areas in Ukrane
December 2022
Informational videos, seminars and other support of Ukrainian refugees
Began November 2022
CELOX tamponade
October 2022
Ultrasound machines
Wacker Chemie donated two ultrasound machines for hospitals in Ukraine
September 2022
Life saving medicine
Antibiotics to hospitals in war-torn areas in Ukraine
September 2022
Medications for hospitals in Ukraine
Antibiotics to hospitals in war-torn areas in Ukraine
September 2022
Life saving medicine
We delivered more life saving medicine to hospitals in war-torn communities in Ukraine
August 2022
First aid kits
We deliver first aid kits for civilians in the war zone
July 2022
Painkillers, antibiotics and other medicine
June 2022
Portable water filtration
Our foundation in cooperation with StftungLife has sent a total of ten water backpacks to Ukraine
May 2022
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Our current projects

Emergency life-saving medicines

Despite our wish to have peace in Ukraine, the war continues.

People in the entire country and especially on the front lines are constantly in danger of being wounded and need immediate first aid and medical treatment to safe lives.

To supply a hospital in Vinnitsa and field hospitals with medicines we have set a fundraising goal of 5.000 EUR.

Generator for Vinnytsia Hospital

Many blackouts have hit Ukraine. The whole country is routinely plunged into darkness.

However, 80 doctors and 120 employees of City Medical and Diagnostic Center in Vinnytsia, even under terrible conditions, go about their vocation to help people, even if flashlights are the only source of light.

The doctors urgently need a generator so that they can continue to work in case of power failures. A generator with the required power of around 100 KW costs between 15,000 and 20,000 euros.

Let’s give the hospital the chance to operate, even in these difficult times!

Our goal is to raise 15 000 EUR. Goal reached!

Update March 2023: We are glad to inform all our supporters that, with your help, we were able to deliver two industrial generators to Vinnytsia in southwestern Ukraine. They will be installed immediately in a city hospital